PID GamesTouched by Grace, the developer DX Gameworks and Just For Games are today happy to announce that classic boardgames compilation That’s My FamilyFamily Fun Night is now available. In addition to digital versions on the Nintendo eShopPlaystation Store and Microsoft Store, a retail edition is also available worldwide on Nintendo Switch.

Re-discover classic board games in unique environments such as prehistory, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Ancient Egypt and more!

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Whever it’s your first time around it, or you are a confirmed boardgame player, Family Fun Night allows you to play the world’s most liked games in a whole new light! Choose a family member character and participate in one of the fourteen classic games

Backgamon, chess, four-in-a-row… Each game has a unique setting, inspired by Historical eras and fictional stories alike, changing the player’s family member appearance.

That’s My Family – Family Fun Night is now available as a retail edition on Nintendo Switch. Digital version are also available for Nintendo Switch, Playstation and Xbox.

Find more information about the game and links to buy it on its page:

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